The End of the World as We Know it!

Image Source: Destroyed City by ShadowYingZhi

Image Source: Destroyed City by ShadowYingZhi

There is no way to avoid it.  We cannot help but feel the intense pace of change, instability and the fluidity of our business and professional life.  According to the current trendy (potentially rude sounding) business acronym; we are living in a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

Are you ready to lead transformation and take charge of your own destiny in this new world?

No? Yes? May be? Don’t Know.

It’s time to get Prepped like a Doomsday Prepper!

I don’t mean the way-out-there-on-the-fringe type with extreme views, stockpiling food and ammunition in an underground bunker in the woods as seen on National Geographic’s reality TV show, Doomsday Preppers. I am talking about something more palatable and accessible. Consider the approach of Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper which is built on the four pillars of Preparedness, Health, Frugality, Resistance. She promotes the development of a resilient and adaptable mental attitude, of taking personal responsibility - not waiting for external forces to save the day and of  sustainable living in the face of constant change.  Makes sense, right?

Let’s Get Prepped!

With time and budgets under pressure; here are some of my top current sources of information to catch up, stay current and get ahead. Maybe they can help you too.

Updates from your industry or profession are a good place to start. For me these are the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Thereafter, it’s time to go off-road and explore other disciplines by travelling across various media. 

Down the rabbit hole we go…

1.  Podcasts: FREE knowledge and consulting anyone? Last year I discovered the liberating power of podcasts or on-demand online radio. A podcast is 30 – 60 minutes of portable, knowledge under your control covering a range of current topics from thought-leaders which you can listen to on the move; in the gym, on your break, the school run or your commute etc. Not only are podcasts a source of self-directed learning; but they can also be used to boost on-the-job professional development activities.  Check out Michael Hyatt’s weekly podcasts on intentional leadership. As not everyone has an ‘i-something’ device, I recommend going to the main website to select the right podcast application to suit you. Explore his website for more tips and posts on business, marketing, leadership and personal development.

2.  Blogs: Who has time to read a full website these days? Find snack-sized bites of the latest fresh thinking in the blogs of individuals doing interesting work in their field.

  • Seth Godin writes about the post-industrial revolution (VUCA world by another name), the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. Action provoking stuff! If his blog grabs you, then jump into his website, books and talks…..Rabbit Hole nirvana!

  • Evil Hr Lady. Who can resist being curious about this blog?

  • Eye-swoon is for eye-wateringly gorgeous images of food, design, interiors and travel. This is a source of distraction, inspiration and a brief respite from the VUCA world outside and my overflowing inbox inside. CAUTION! This is a rabbit hole with wormhole properties. 10 minutes on this site is 1 hour in real world time!

3.  Follow and Lead: Your LinkedIn profile is not just for posting your career profile. This a powerful social media profile for business. Release the power of your professional profile by first customising the ‘Follow’ section of your profile. Be targeted on who and what you are following. You will then start to receive news and valuable insights from your selected organisations and influencers, direct to you (LinkedIn Pulse) in the form of articles, comments, video, images etc.  One that I follow is Fast Company. Reap the rewards!

4. Professional/Social Networks: Breakfast gathering or the after work collective? Formal or informal event? The choice is yours. Creative Mornings has the right formula for short, inspirational, action-provoking 20 minute talks with added networking benefits. What started as a one city event is now a global movement. They even help you to convince your boss to let you attend; and if you are the boss this is your permission slip! If you can’t attend, the Talks are accessible FREE via video for viewing whenever you want.The folks at Creative Mornings are super generous too. “We think the world could use more breakfast get-togethers. You’re more than welcome to start your own event with a similar model. We just ask that you do not use the “CreativeMornings” name.”

5.  Conferences: You can’t travel to conferences as your budget has been slashed or reallocated - unless perhaps you in are Sales and Marketing. How do they do it? Don’t stress. Just log on to TED Talks (online video conferences/talks) and choose from “1900+ talks to stir your curiosity.” A brain boost and inspiration in 6 – 20 minutes for FREE.We can learn something of value from the Prepper mindset.  Don't wait for external forces to save the day. These are exciting times and with some preparedness, an adaptable-open mind, this VUCA World presents far more opportunities than threats.

Bob Marley captures this call to action perfectly in his masterpiece, Redemption Song.

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,

None but ourselves can free our minds."

Happy exploring and do share the resources and tools you are using to get prepped and get ahead!